Research Article
Cytotoxic Study of L-Leucine and Methotrexate Combination in Presence of Super-oxide Dismutase (SOD) on EAC Cells
Roy, L., Bhattacharjee, M., Kamal, R.
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Our aim was to evaluate the cyto-toxicity of combination of L-Leucine and Methotrexate in presence of SOD (Superoxide dismutase) on EAC cells. Freshly collected EAC cells were sufficiently diluted and was incorporated to evaluate the cyto-toxicity of Methotrexate alone, Methotrexate and L-Leucine in combination and lastly to evaluate in vitro cyto-toxicity of Methotrexate, L-Leucine and SOD. The mechanism of action was investigated in terms of production of free radicals. IC50 value of Methotrexate was found to be as 95.34 ± 1.28 µg/ml whereas IC50 value of Methotrexate and L-Leucine combination 73.15 ± 0.98 µg/ml and IC50 value Methotrexate, L-Leucine and SOD was decreased to 47.08 ± 1.18 µg/ml. Due to the fact that Methotrexate is a toxic drug, it will increase the production of O2- in cell. Our research hypothesis is based on the fact that decrease of O2- by SOD in combination therapy with Methotrexate and L-Leucine may alter its combined cytotoxic effect. So, it can be concluded from the study that presence of SOD in combination therapy with Methotrexate and L-Leucine alters their combined cyto-toxic effects over EAC cells.
Methotrexate, L-Leucine, Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Cyto-toxic Study, EAC Cells
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Roy, L., Bhattacharjee, M., Kamal, R. (2016). Cytotoxic Study of L-Leucine and Methotrexate Combination in Presence of Super-oxide Dismutase (SOD) on EAC Cells, International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS), 5(2), 262-270.