Research Article
Hydroxytriazenes and their Cobalt (II) Complexes as Bioactive Agents
Singh, G. P., Chundawat, N. S., Goswami, A. K., Chauahan, R. S.
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The biological activity of hydroxytriazenes and their complexes of Co(II) have been evaluated against E. coli, klebseillla pneumoniae, bacillus by pathogen city tests. These tests were carried out by cup or agar well assay method. The antibacterial activity of metal ligand complexes revealed enhanced activity of complexes as compared to corresponding ligands.
Hydroxytriazenes, Cobalt (II) complexes, Antibacterial activity
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Singh, G. P., Chundawat, N. S., Goswami, A. K., & Chauahan, R. S. (2013). Hydroxytriazenes and their Cobalt (II) Complexes as Bioactive Agents. International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS), 2(4), 486-489.