Home Article Improvement Ejection Fraction and Quality of Life in Patient with Systolic Heart Failure by Adding Valsartan to Combination Therapy ACE Inhibitor and Furosemide

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Improvement Ejection Fraction and Quality of Life in Patient with Systolic Heart Failure by Adding Valsartan to Combination Therapy ACE Inhibitor and Furosemide


Rachma, H. P., Hendrawan, D., Saifurrohman

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Heart failure is a clinical syndrome caused by the inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body. One of the therapies that can be used as the therapy is the addition valsaran on combination therapy (ACE inhibitor and furosemide). Addition of valsartan on the treatment containing ACE inhibitor, blocks the effects of Angiotensin II generated by pathways other than renin and ACE, such as CAGE (chymotrypsin-like angiotensin generating enzyme) or chymase. This study was designed to examined improvement ejection fraction and quality of life in patient with systolic heart failure by adding valsartan to combination therapy ACE Inhibitor and furosemide. This study has been conducted at ambulatory clinic dr Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang during 2 month. The design of this study is observational prospective with analysis descriptive. Patient who have experienced decreased ejection fraction, elderly patient (60-75 years), AHA stage C were eligible in this research. This study found that there is an increase in ejection fraction at month 0 and second month, which is significantly different (p = 0,000). Patient also experienced significant improvement in quality of life between month 0 and the second month.Addition valsartan to combination therapy ACE Inhibitor and furosemide improve ejection fraction and  quality of life patient with systolic heart failure.


Heart Failure, Ejection Fraction, Valsartan, ACE Inhibitor, Furosemide

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Rachma, H. P., Hendrawan, D., & Saifurrohman. (2013). Improvement Ejection Fraction and Quality of Life in Patient with Systolic Heart Failure by Adding Valsartan to Combination Therapy ACE Inhibitor and Furosemide. International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS), 2(4), 545-552.

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