Research Article
Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Leaves of Two Medicinally Important Species of Clerodendrum
Shukla, N., Panda, C.S., Mishra, S.K.
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The present study aimed to evaluate various pharmacognostical standards which include macroscopy, microscopy, determination of leaf constants and Physicochemical parameters, starch grain detection, preliminary phytochemical screening and trace metal analysis of the leaves of Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon and Clerodendrum viscosum Vent. C. serratum and C. viscosum leaves were successively extracted with petroleum ether (60 –80°C), chloroform and methanol by soxhlation. Microscopy was carried out by taking the thin transverse sections of the leaves. Leaf constants viz., stomatal number, vein-islet number, veinlet termination number and palisade ratio were determined. Detection of starch grains was carried out by treating the powder leaf with dilute Iodine solution. Ash and extractive values were also determined. The preliminary phytochemical screening of the extracts was carried out to detect various phytocompounds. Trace metal analysis was performed to determine the elemental concentration using PIXE technique. The microscopy of the leaves of C. serratum and C. viscosum shows the presence of cuticle, epidermis, trichomes, stomata, palisade layer, spongy parenchyma, collenchyma, vascular bundles and parenchymatous cells. Simple starch grains are observed in leaves of both the species. The leaf constants and physicochemical parameters of C. serratum and C. viscosum leaves were also determined. The trace metal analysis indicated the presence of higher percentage of K and Ca in leaves of both the species. The pharmacognostical evaluation of the leaves of C. serratum and C. viscosum serves as a basis for proper identification, physical evaluation and monograph of this plant.
Clerodendrum Serratum (L.) Moon, Clerodendrum Viscosum Vent., Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical, PIXE
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Shukla, N., Panda, C.S., Mishra, S.K. (2015). Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Leaves of Two Medicinally Important Species of Clerodendrum, International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS), 4(3), 1-12.