Research Article
Photochemical study of Bismark brown in Photogalvanic Cell for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage
Nenival, N. R.
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Photogalvanic cells are photoelectrochemical cells chargeable in light for solar energy conversion and storage. They may be energy source for the future, if their electrical performance is increased. In this study, a photosensitizer Bismark Browm, D-Xylose as a Reductant and NaLS as a Surfactant have been used in the photogalvanic cell. The generated photopotential and photocurrent are 750.0 mV and 275.0μA respectively. The conversion efficiency of the cell, fill factor and the cell performance were observed 1.0157%, 0.2498 sand 160.0 minutes in dark respectively. The effects of different parameters on the electrical output of the photogalvanic cell were observed. A mechanism was proposed for the photogeneration of electrical energy.
Bismark Brown, D-Xylose, Photopotential, Photocurrent, Fill Factor, Conversion Efficiency
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Nenival, N. R. (2013). Photochemical study of Bismark brown in Photogalvanic Cell for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage. International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS), 2(4), 438-442.