Home Article Qualitative Analysis of Flavonoids and Phenols in Momordica Charantia Callus

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Qualitative Analysis of Flavonoids and Phenols in Momordica Charantia Callus


Ujjwala, S., Prarthna, D., Roymon, M. G.

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Momordica charantia commonly known as bitter melon/gourd which is a member of Cucarbitaceae and is a slender, tendril climbing, annual vine. The medicinal values of Bitter melon lies in the bioactive phytochemical constituents that are non-nutritive chemicals that produce definite physiological effects on human body and protect them from various diseases. Qualitative phytochemical analysis of Momordica charantia confirms the presence of photochemicals like flavanoids, saponins, terpenoids, alkaloids, proteins, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinones, anthocyanins, steroids etc.  The explants of Momordica charantia were cultured on MS medium. Callus was obtained on MS medium supplemented with BAP, IAA, 2, 4-D, kinetin and IBA respectively. Thin layer chromatography was carried to separate phenols and flavonoids from leaf extracts of bitter gourd. It showed different Rf values with their respective chromatography solvents.


Callus, PGR’s, TLC, solvent system, Quercitin

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Ujjwala, S., Prarthna, D., Roymon, M. G. (2014). Qualitative Analysis of Flavonoids and Phenols in Momordica Charantia Callus. International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS), 3(2), 403-407.

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